Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns?
thinking of where to go/what to do for my 1yr wedding anni (19.12.10)....
hmmmm.... gonna get my bonus next month too.... but need to save for the hse's reno next year...
im having a bleeping toothache. the dentist's appointment yesterday was HORRIBLE.
i do not like going to the dentist.
then again, who else?
the very hot Katy Perryi need a massage but im scared it will hurt like mad. man, my pain tolerance is rather low huh. hahaha.
need a haircut, need to soft rebond again my now-wavy hair,need a facial.need a frigging holiday.need new black shoes.need to really,really lose weight(like SERIOUSLY).
need a whole lot of things....
but right now, i just need you to come home from work and gimme a gd hug.
come away with me..
6:52 PM
Facebook is down,down, down,down...oohhh..
Sheesh. Cant believe Fb is down now. Just when i waited all day long to login to play Sorority Life.

ok eye candy time. watched Harry Potter & the Deathly Hollows last night. too dark for my liking & a bit too slow @ same parts, but action-packed all the same. wish Ron had more parts for his humor tho.
& look at Emma Watson's latest look @ the movie premiere in London. Short hair! Gonna miss her lovely mass of orangey curls.. she'll all grown up now eh. Cant believe she looked so small & cute in the 1st Harry Potter movie.
when will FB be up?!!!
come away with me..
10:35 PM
you just gotta ignite.... the light.... and let it shine..
Forget to add that i'm currently a huge fan & addict of Sorority Life!
Haha! the happening things in my life now.. sheesh.
My current character, Mayako in her red devil Halloween costume :) and in my most favourite get-up, woodland faerie theme..I seriously need to get a life... dont i? lol.
come away with me..
11:42 AM
well, i can't believe that i would keep.. keep you from flying.
Well here goes nothing. I've decided to return to the blogging world.
Reality check: the last i blogged here was before THE BIG DAY n the post didnt sound that happy either.. haha..hmmm.. pre-wedding jitters obviously.
so after reading back all the posts i wrote wayy back in 2005, i wondered to myself... 5 years from now, i wanna read what happened to me now too.. and u n i know, u cant keep all the memories inside ur head.. there are just too many of them.. i might remember the major ones but the little little ones that do bring smiles .. hey, they deserve a memory place too. n here i am... lets do this!
so the last time i blogged, i was single, not available, about to get married to my fiance and ready to take any chance to run far far away to break down.. wow. what i didnt blog about was how THE BIG DAY went n the after part of cuz... n its already going to be my 1 year wedding anni (19th Dec). hmmmm... so many things to blog about those tho.. perhaps ill do so slowly in the next posts, just to keep the memories alive...
the one i remembered vividly was inside the wedding car, pulling away from my parents' place after i hugged them n all and i cried like a little girl who lost her smelly pillow inside that car. dangs. bet not everyone knew about that emo part. hahaha. i just couldnt believe i wont be living with the Zulus anymore and i still cant believe even to this day. yes damn right, i do miss my house.. it was a place i could call "Home".. right now, im just waiting impatiently for Jade Spring to be finished building and we can move in there......... next year.. time gonna pass very fast....
please God make it faster.. even if we dont have $$ to renovate our house! Haha.
one of the many wedding pixxy with my handsome Hub :) more @ my Facebook. yeah its all abt Facebooking now isnt huh.. come away with me..
10:33 AM