This time baby, i'll be bulletproof..

Reality check.
Its only
4 months and 3 days to the Big Day.
and honestly? i'm scared.
and i cannot explain this fear. fear of commitment? nope.fear of not having to live with my family? well... maybe yeah. will definitely miss talking late at night with my sis till we sleep and teasing my dad non-stop and my mum's hugs and... everything that's home.
other than that? financial-wise? yeah maybe that too. they always say money's never enough eh. well im just relieved and grateful that i've a decent job with a decent pay cuz i know how hard for those out there whose trying to find a job. ooh, i wish i will never be in that sucky period.
and we have still yet to book our honeymoon. not to mention it'll be in the peak period, yo. and we're hoping to escape x'mas & new year's crowd too.
so maybe i do have the wedding jitters. i bet all brides do. and grooms too (although they've these HUGE men egos so they dont really wanna confess it lol).
but still, its quite exciting to have such a big event to plan and execute yeah? (not to mention the stress & loads of money spent) but hell yeah i'm kinda looking forward to it, fear or no fear :)

on the other hand, i think the movie Up was great! nicest animation movie after Finding Nemo & Ice Age 1. really enjoyed it. dont mind watching it again definitely :)
and so im gonna end this post by quoting a line from the movie...
"A wilderness explorer is a friend to all, be it bird or fish or tiny mole!" ;)
come away with me..
8:08 PM