how did we get here?
(note: skip this post if you're not a vamp lover.)
Edward Cullen: And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.
Isabella Swan: What a stupid lamb.
Edward Cullen: What a sick, masochistic lion. those 3 lines were exactly the same from the novel. and just that 3 simple lines perfectly sum up the whole saga. ok i'm obsessed. and i lied of not wanting to read the books after Twilight. my sis' friend generously bought of her a hard cover of the sequel, New Moon, and once again, i spent less than 3 hours reading it non-stop. oh gosh.

the sad thing is in the sequel, New Moon, (CAUTION SPOILER AHEAD) edward is mainly absent and its more of jacob the werewolf. hmm. i dont know how the director gonna go about that. maybe do book 2 and 3 together? we'll see. its coming out in 2010 anyway. bah. and i know whats gonna happen, having read the ending of the last book but still, watching something you've read is a breathtaking experience. thats if, the director didnt change so much of the original story.
Like for example, Queen of the Damned by author Anne Rice, my very first vam

pire obsession, the movie(year 2002) was entirely different in a way. Lestat De Lioncourt played by Stuart Townsend was my very first vampire love. sorry, it was not Lestat played by Tom Cruise in Interview With The Vampire that i fell for, i personally thought Stuart Townsend was more fitting as Lestat :)

then my second vampire love was the dark and suave vampire, Aubrey, who came from the book "Demon in my view" by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. now i would like to see that book turn into a movie. it was a great book, amazingly written by a teenager, because it was very mature and not teeny boppy mushy or anything like that. Aubrey is totally different from Edward, Aubrey is more lethal, something like the tracker James in Twilight, but Aubrey's dark side can be forgiven with his charming and alluring personality, just like Lestat's.
i can seriously go on and on for my obsession for vampires. i'm very lucky that i've got my super-patient fiance and my darling sister (although she wants to kill me for always trying to spoil the twilight saga since she has not watched it and have not finished reading the books) to share this obsession with else i think i'll be living in my own la la vampy land. and i think i better stop now and go back to reality.
wait. what if.. what if there's a vampire living in the same flat as you and he has been waiting, just waiting for the chance to talk to you?
come away with me..
12:47 PM
you are my life now.

i just HAVE to blog about this.
i read Twilight for less than 3 hours yesterday night.
and today, thanks to a certain hot someone *winks*, i got to watch the movie itself to compare it with the novel and boy, i was not disappointed, ok except the part that they didnt insert Paramore's Decode into any of the scenes! it only came out during the credits,bummer. the song suited into the scene when bella's memories were shown during the last part when edward was-oh! right, i shouldnt spoil the movie, sorry :P

anyway, edward cullen.
you were just the way author stephanie meyer described you.
you were downright amazing.
ok and i couldnt resist and had to buy the novel for keepsake.
will i read the saga? hmmm. lets just say i've read the final novel Breaking Dawn's ending and im happy with it that way.
goodnight everyone!!
come away with me..
10:37 PM
i will be.

It sucks being sick in a nice holiday month like now. I am NEVER, EVER going to go near a harmless-looking can of chilli tuna anymore. NEVER. and don't ever try eating bread plus chilli tuna with ice lemon tea on a very empty stomach. else you'll risk yourself ending up like me with sleepless nights of vomiting anything that gets into your tummy. even plain water. shrieks.
The past week had been a terrible trial for me. of all the weeks! it fell horribly on a nice one with a non-working monday. sigh. but all the same, i guess like what they say, "Every cloud has a silver lining". the Nubian Queen (a.k.a. dearest mummy for new readers) wisely consoled me by saying maybe i had done a lot of bad, bad things (yes, *hung my head in shame*) and God still loves me so He is giving me this chance to wash away those sins and to remember Him always. yeah. whimpers. i was too ashamed to reply her and just hugged her, thinking how wonderful she is and all the supportive, loving people around me are.
i will be back!
come away with me..
11:37 AM