the Big Book of Secrets . . .
yesterday's face painting at sentosa with mariah was exhausting but loads of fun.
despite the fact that i've not touched the paintbrush for a long time and i know my artistic skills sucks but painting on kids' and mothers' alike hands and legs were much much nicer than teaching a bunch of noisy lot. and the pay, i mean, who would wanna give you that much of money for just working for a day?
i was really nervous at first, what if the parents complain that their sons' spiderman's painting on his hand doesnt look like spiderman? the first few attempts were terrifiying but when the queue got longer and longer, the adrenaline just kicked in and we were painting non-stop. the kids were really cute, all kinds of races, and their parents were polite too.
anyway, we didnt had time for lunch, it was paint, paint,paint all the way so after the whole event was over, we took a break on the beach for a picnic and watched the sunset which was wonderful. we stayed till night to watch the stars, just lying down the beach and talked about almost everything. we also went shopping for chocs at candy empire, yum yum :)
thanks babe, i had loads of fun yesterday! and oh, mariah also brought me to her school, La Salle and finally i stepped inside the weird futuristic building with the weird tak-menjadi garden. haha. but it was still kinda cool. went home with wan who just finished performing at bugis and slept all the way in 170, was knocked out tired. but looking forward to the next face painting, big book of secrets event :)
okays, pictures below. plus pictures of the raya outing which are outdated but im just gonna post them anyway!
Our face-painting stall.
ladybug and butterfly.
while waiting for the event to start.
mariah's airbrush tatoo.
sunset and the big book of secrets.
the big book of secrets and its adorable owner.
browsing thru.
19/10. the gentlemen: taufiq, herman and wan.
the ladies: haslinda, qamariah, me.
in the car, while waiting for taufiq and linda, we sempat....
with mariah's gorgeous piano.
and her gorgeous black and white butterfly room! i like!
finally, us at the carpark :)Cheerios!
come away with me..
3:35 PM