you will find me, time after time.

megan fox from Transformers is simply hot.
one of the most gorgeous tanned girls i've seen so far. i still remember how i used to buy a foundation darker than my skin to look tanned. haha. poly days :P but those days were really fun and crazy. miss them.

those dark foundation days with my babe, lizzy. taken 3/4 years ago?i wanna go back and study again laa. i think i can still pass for a 16 year old. *snorts* and my sis just received a $1.2K bursary for top 10% in her school. argghh.
come away with me..
8:39 PM
i can fly but i want his wings.
where are you?
i cant reach you.
where have you been?
i've been trying and trying to reach you but i cant.
i want to find you but i dont know where to start.
my head's going to explode if you dont mysteriously appear just like how you've mysteriously disappeared. i'm trying to pacify myself by watching
Lamb's videos on youtube but they're not helping.
please come home. :(
p.s.: Zoo with the family today was lovely. the gorgeous white tigers took my breath away. then again, i had you on my mind all throughout and i'm seriously worried. where are you?
come away with me..
9:24 PM
(voleta updates)Went NDP preview last saturday with babe mariah. Thanks to herman for the free tix! mariah looked great with her white kitty heels ;) the one that made the "china mari" sitting beside us at the stands so envious. haha. i think all my friends are looking more and more mature. while i,on the other hand, still look the same. phisssh. i need a makeover :(
mariah & me at NDP preview marina bay 07, pic taken by fazree.nonetheless, the dynamic defence display was awesome. i love all the counterstrikey action. i really felt like i was at war. scary yet.. the feeling was breath-taking. plus the fireworks and the parade. lovely.
the floating stage.
majulah singapura! sentimental ah this part,felt so patriotic out of the sudden =pthis weekend,i've a wedding plus the zoo with my family :D oh yeah, wan's new siamese kitten. not fair. ive been wanting a cat for the longest time ever and i just get a greedy gaurami fish. while he, got this cute lil elven-eared kitten just right at his doorstep. hmprh.
meet wan's handsome kittykatby the way, ive a new laptop(yeay finally!) that has the same colour scheme as my silver bag(yippee silver rules!so friggin girlish eh LOL) but sadly, i dont really use it. sheesh.i mean, i dont need it for work. and i rarely go online too. so why in the first place did i get it? beats the hell outta me.
meet Mr Sesshomaru :)ok im exhausted. my head hurts. i cant imagine how people can have 5 kids or more. having to bear almost 10 hours with the imps each day drain the life out of me! goodnight loves~
come away with me..
9:22 PM