go emerald.

i'm gonna try go green this 2007.
and i'm gonna nail that job next wed.
because its one of my dream jobs(you know one the careers you
berangan nak jadi when you was growing up,sheesh) and i'm all out to get it.
so pray hard for me.
on the other hand, i'm going to the zoo this sunday :)
back to the lovely butterflies at the fragile forest. yippee! its amusing that no matter how many times you've visited the zoo before, the next visit is always something exciting to look forward to :D the word "zoo" itself does wonders.
have a good weekend, all.
(p.s.: alhamdulillah, its good to be back in full form.) come away with me..
12:59 PM
system recovery.

today is probably the day i gain freedom from the attack of the most horrible high fever ever.
it has almost been a week. it started with normal fever on last saturday's night. then came sunday. that was when the seizures began. uncontrollable shaking from chills that went on and on. plus the continuous vomitting. sleepless nights. constipation. my family got really scared. even i myself was petrified.
my parents even argued whether to send me to the hospital. my mother said no, its not the normal kind of fever you think it is, my dad said, yes, we should send her immediately n let the doctors handle.
funny thing was, all throughout the whole ordeal, i was super conscious. aware of my surroundings, aware of what every single one was saying. everything was magnified. it was scary. of course i told them NO, no hospital. its not that i have anything against the singapore's hospitals. its just the thought of a) needles b) environment. i figured i could recover better by staying at home most definitely.
so i stayed. my mother quitted her job to look after me. that was the most touching thing ever. there were times i felt like i was troubling everyone and i felt like i should just die. but my family & wan(*muaks*) supported me all the way. the one thing that i will never forget, my mother told me, its retribution, for whatever sins i've done(which i'd gulped at)and for forgetting God when i'm pink healthy. i know i am not the nicest good daughter in the world & i did lots of nasty sins in the past,if i list them all here, i dont think i can ever finish, and i thank God for giving me this chance to repent than not at all. sadly, it always take a tragedy for one to change & go back to the right path, and i confess i'm one of them.
so i'm gonna try now. doesnt mean im gonna be an extremist or anything la. haiyo. basic stuff like keeping the 5 waktu solat( yes, guilty as charged, im also kadaking even when al-falah is right in front of my nose)& not lying to my parents n etc etc.
okay i would want to finish this post off very nicely with like a moral or something but my head's suddenly gone fizzy and i need my medicine. insya allah, by next week, i'll back in full force. and oh yes, hani's birthday tomorrow. and goki's wedding next week. plus rescheduled interviews for the ones i missed the whole of this week.
everybody, have a great weekend. and dont forget Him ok? :)
come away with me..
1:43 PM
kalimah cinta bersakti?
i don't really listen to malay songs(especially not achik's songs,bish) but misha omar's
nafas cahaya has been playing non-stop in my head.
my sister & i have also been stuck on big fish games(thanks to the hp games on wan's new laptop). notably cake mania,diner dash & carrie the caregiver.
anybody has crack on carrie the caregiver, please please email me as I've been searching & searching for it but to no avail :(
us at City Square's lavatory.note that my once sporty+punkrock sister is gradually crossing over to the ladylike world thanks to her big sister. she's still deciding what course to take & have been cajoled from both me & my dad to join the police force after her diploma. no, i dont think she has a choice. its either nursing or police. hua hua.
ok back to diner dash. ta all.
come away with me..
8:29 PM