i've been extremely busy so sorry for this late greeting, Happy Aidilfitri & maaf zahir batin to all from your dearest nini :) my sis & i are pink this raya. my mum backstabbed us by changing to grey last minute after much cajoling from diabolical dad. pish.
a few of first day raya pictures as following:
will try get more pics from our dearest cuzzin Mim. so sorry we couldnt acc you to that concert that night :( would really to but we still had our mum's sides to go to.
anyway, i bet everybody else has either sore throat or stomache. ha ha. gara2 excessive intake of air oren, rendang + kuah satay + sambal goreng + ayam masak merah. oh well. like they said, it comes once in a year so eat your hearts out yeah & drink lots of plain water peeps. takpe if pergi orang bawa air mineral atau minta air masak putih, tak kan dimarah punye la.
btw, do gimme a ring/sms if you wanna come visit so can masak sth okays? and also hide my fish bowl away. don't want my Armand, Lestat & the followers to be freaked out by the commotion, they're very shy fishys :) heh.
tml, i will get screwed upside down at work. so, till the next time again, ta all.
come away with me..
8:59 PM

Dear bloggers,
here's an update of what nini has been up to. working in a fast-paced environment has been seriously crazy. one week of work and i've been staying late everyday. the load of work is that much. i wonder how those old-timers can survive the hectic buzzing working hours. phew. my superior even told me that in her 3 years working there, she rarely has dinners with her family. that is so so sad. i miss breaking fast with my family. shit, im a family person. and not being able to spend much time with them does not make my life complete. nor does it makes me totally happy. thankfully, wan's working near my area (thomson road) so we could at least go to work together. else, i dont even have time for him.
i never knew being 21(in a few hours time,sheesh) is gonna be like this. when i was 9, i dreamt being this passionate educator like my primary school teacher,my gary. when he broke his leg, he still came down to teach us in his crutches. he was one of the coolest teacher i've ever had. gosh i miss teaching :( i miss the imps and the hooligans of chua chu kang primary 5s. well, i guess it cant be helped. ill try continue to adapt to this new career, give that 101% shot, and start planning the next 5 years down the road. whatever it is, i dont intend to stay in this field for the rest of my life. no life sey. bleaaah.
anyway, can you believe it, two more weeks to hari raya! gosh. so fast right. have all of you got your baju rayas? what colour are yours this year? mine's ermmm. peach/pink? couldnt find the perfect lavender. and mum says no black. bah. thank god ive already bought my baju raya before the fasting month started. cant imagine trying to fight the crowd now. oklah, my head's spinning ard now.
Selamat Hari Raya in advanced all! and happy 21st birthday to me :) *blows kisses*
come away with me..
8:43 PM

this is the MOST gorgeous tissue box ever :) i cant believe im updating my blog because of a tissue box. haha. $3.90 for 6 boxes! super cheap :) this would brighten any girl's day up. and it certainly did to mine.
i wont be updating my blog regularly so thanks for dropping by all, really appreciate it.
would you believe it this little girlie girl is turning 21 soon. scary. i've already got a list of stuff i wanna do before turning 25. so yeah. nope, no list for what i want on my birthday. haha.
Selamat menyambut ramadhan dan menjalani solat terawikh to all :)
come away with me..
3:49 PM