fishy love.

i did say i wanna get some fishy companions.
Everybody, say hello to my beloved two guppies,
Lestat and Armand, and three neon tetras(2 passed away,sobs),
the Followers :)
you might wonder what spark ms nini to get some fish when she's obsessed with kitties.
well, according to the Zulus' rules, i CANT keep cats until i've my own apartment(which will only happen in 5-10 years from now). and my mother, the Nubian queen(hey sir fad, u came up with this name for her,how are you man?) doesnt have a liking for hamsters. and birds are meant to be free, not caged. thus, simple solution: FISHY.

i did some research from online and library books and heyho,whaddy know, fish are really interesting, wonderful, complicated beings :) i've been reading a lot about them and i'm amazed by all the information i'm getting. when i've more cash, i wanna start my own community aquarium. or maybe even keep marine fishes. it'll be a huge responsibility. and i dont mind :)
just tell me, anyone, how to get to the pasir ris fish farm ah? i so wanna go there. i need the bus number, that is all, thanks!
have a great fishy weekend :D
come away with me..
8:10 PM
tree tops.
it had been quite a rough patch. red puffy eyes & what have you.
at the end of the day, you know who are the people you truly care for, & vice versa. thanks for all of your loves, especially qmomo for her sweet cadbury note & wan for his everlasting patience :)
well, guess what? i've got me a new job. heh. alhamdulillah. im still in a daze that ive got it sooo, more info abt it next time :p
here are pictures from the whole week i 'disappeared'.
great sisters' raid 2 monster's house, nice family day at sentosa(lots of eye candies and cute kids too), pink interviews and random lups-lups. hmmm.. maybe i should open a photoblog instead. sheesh.
(p.s.: i miss you, sue *hugs*)
(p.p.s: kinah, hani, lizzy, ros & mariah, i miss all of you babes too!)

come away with me..
9:18 PM
my lesson learnt.
sometimes ugly truths are better left untold, no matter how much you thought the other person would accept it.
because in the end, its better you hurt yourself than you hurt others.
i'll be back when the sun can properly shine again.
till then, goodbye all.
come away with me..
8:57 PM
big fishy shop in yishun?
i've decided to get a fish for a pet.
maybe a tiger barb cuz they're playful tail-nippers.
but buying just one will make its life dull.
so wan suggested,why not buy those really smally tiny fishes,put them along with barbie the tiger barb and tada! fun for barbie! sheesh. no i wont do that. no animal cruelty. and no barbie names too. haha.
or maybe those really lovely glow-in-the-dark (do they?) tetras. or angelfish.
or even a koi. no, no goldfish. too sentimental for my dad who still has not gotten over the death of his 3 beloved goldfishes 5 years ago?
anyway. will update more on this fishy matter.
today's esplanade school trip with the yishun sec kids was ok except for the late school bus driver. as always. since my time school bus drivers are well-known for being late too when we're pong tired from a hot zoo excursion.
ok ta!
come away with me..
9:13 PM
the day couldnt get anymore worse.
not only i had one of the worst rows at an ungodly hour that almost involved a big, stupid decision. mother had to throw one of her biggest bitchiest tantrums at me the whole day. and scolded my father for not being a bitch too. i had to cancel last min going to a friend's wedding with an old friend because of this. i HATE cancelling outings last min when my family comes in the way but it had to be done. my nose cant stop flowing and my throat sucked i could barely talk. i'm trying to cheer myself up but when you've got not money, it just sucks. and a distressed 999 phone call from a dear friend didnt help. i tried to stay calm down throughout the whole ordeal but after putting down i just had to scream. i dont mind listening to a friend when you're in trouble because thats what good friends do but please stop shouting at me like as though its my fault. dont get me wrong, i'm happy to help you in any way i can but if theres seriously nothing else i can do, then i'm sorry.
if im superwoman i'll help anybody in any way i can but im not.
im whining but who cares this is my blog afterall. sighs.
i dont keep grudges. i dont want to make enemies. i dont ask to be liked.
i just want everyone to know ive got feelings and my own problems too. and unfortunately im not superwoman.
im just some pathetic unsuccessful low-on-cash girl.
thank you and have a nice day.(p.s: ill probably scrape this post off when im feeling better.) come away with me..
8:35 PM