** where all your dreams come true...**

i am currently in a disney princess' mood.
thanks to my sister who bought that disney princess cologne first. i decided to snag one for myself. i've been in dreamland with Auroras, Jasmines & Ariels ever since.
admit it, who doesnt love these babes, no matter the sappy happy endings?
my personal favourites are Ariel and Jasmine. okay, especially Ariel. i literally grew up with her purple shelled bras and garang, wild red hair. and i still have her Little Mermaid series books my dearest dad bought for me ages ago. lets see, i had a pair of Cinderalla glass shoes too. haha.
i've been downloading the songs i could remember from the movies like Under the sea, Kiss the girl & A whole new world. okay, thats about ALL i could recall. anybody has anymore suggestions? please, please do tell.

and oh yes! i found this super adorable Little Cinderella with cute lil chubby legs. effing cute rite? nyeheh.
oh yes, sent my sis to the airport at 5amplus this morning. she jetted off for Thailand,some geography school excursion. lucky dope. bah. and guess what, the mercy relief team to Yogyakarta was there too. huge buzzbuzz. salute these people, man. God bless.
p.s: i am missing someone very much. come away with me..
5:11 PM
zip zappin' update.
hello all!
have not updated for quite a while because 1.too busy with work 2.cant get my hands on the computer 3.too busy conquering rains 4.no idea what to blog about 5.too shagged with daily (legal) activites 6.down with the flubug :(
btw, i'm here to inform all readers, if you ever come across a
Janet Evanovich's novel, please do not hesitate to pounce on it and read it A.S.A.P. because it will worth every inch and ounce of your bookworm lifetime. trust me, i've been there. and i'm loving it. check out the delicious reviews and feisty snoops here :
*waves daintily to Shakinah Depp whose currently enjoying high-life in Dubai*
come away with me..
9:10 PM
a virtual meow.
i wasnt aware that there are other virtual pets sites like neopets until today.
seriously, i was introduced to the cutesy bitsy world of neopets in secondary school, continued playing even during my FYPJ(final year project in poly terms) times, and now ive forgotten my password and the email ive registered to so i cant log in.
then wham! today, i found out that there are actually other sites with the similiar style of neopets. its as though the graphic artists of neopets went freelancing!
there are
herupets.com,giropets.com,kiropets.com,marapets.com, and the list goes on and on. phew.
but for now, ive just registered myself at
adoptme.com and my siamese kitty looks really happy chasing a birdy down the park.

my parents both think i've buang tebiat. haha. well i told them if i cant have a real kitty, i might as well have a virtual one =p
btw, the JB's cinema wasnt bad at all. in fact, its like cathay's. was very impressed :) and got my dunkin doughnuts at last too. and kenny rogers' chicken was ohlala scrumptious. with that special someone, going to new places to find good food and entertainment is wonderful. *hums* daaadeedaadeedaa..
come away with me..
2:32 PM
mango milk tea.
i'm in my best spaghetti top and hipster jeans. the last 15 minutes i spent was doing online quizzes out of boredom. so far i've found out that i am a no drama mama, i am not completely ready to get married yet,i'm a sensitive kisser and my victoria secret's angel is adriana lama. whew. dont you just love these quizzes! sheesh. now my lenses are dry. and one of my msn contacts keep logging in every five seconds so the window pop-up the right side of this screen is really bugging me. his msn must have really screwed up. i am missing a whole lot of people :(

my sister is the most annoying, talkative monkey alive but i still love her. sighs. *wonders "biler dier nak call nak pergi Sheng Siong ni.." oh yes,me and wan are probably baking cookies for mothers' day :) my parents are going to KL next week without us. how nice :(
come away with me..
7:34 PM
dreamin' of doughnuts.
layout changed! finally :)
not my own though. lazy to make one. this flirtatious one at blogskins.com caught my eye so yeah. its very... Dior. sexy in a girlish way, confident, fun.
i think i hear my sister meowing from the kitchen.
believe me, my family can be as deranged as the Osbournes.
i have not bathe neither have i done the laundry. when my dad comes back from friday prayers, he'll explode. then there goes my triangle currypuff he has promised to buy for me.
so i better be a good daddy's girl. (well havent i lately?sheesh)
p.s. gosh, you've no idea how much i miss you :( come away with me..
1:38 PM
puppy love in chinatown.
i'm so excited.
Channel 5 is showing Queen of the Damned this wednesday! wee wee weeeee. Lestat! Marius! how i miss my Anne Rice's books.
by the way, animal lovers, do watch Eight Below if you havent. i think it's still showing at Eng Wah cinemas. after watching it, i swear my love for Huskey dogs just grow fonder and stronger. i thank God mr dimples shares my soft spot for woofys and meowmeows. i cannot imagine goo-goo-ga-gaing over a cute woofy or a kitty and the man looks damn not interested la. or pretends to look at his handphone. pfishhh. turn-off.
one of the doggies from Eight Below. Maya, if im not wrong. look at her fur! *GERAM*its has been raining tapirs and armadillos. so bring your brolly, people. and make sure your brolly is working too *winks at someone* heehee.
come away with me..
3:09 PM