to annoy a girl when she's having periods is asking for HELL. "Hell hath no Fury like a Woman Scorned"? yeah. something like that.
its bad enough every part of her body is aching. not to mention the horrible continous come-and-go stomach cramps.
everything around her does not feel right.
she feels fat. she feels like the most ugliest girl on earth. she has not appetite for anything but chocolates. the slightest thing makes her just want to break down and cry. even watching her favourite baby cheetahs on animal planet makes her teary. all she wants to do is sleep. lie on bed, sniffing into her smelly pillow. she doesnt feel like going out.the weather is either too hot or way too cold for her.
she feels like punching the lights out of someone. or biting hard on something. no sweet words from her man could even cheer her up. she doesnt speak, she shouts and screams. she feels like jumping down from somewhere very high. she spends 20 minutes in the bathroom just sitting down on the toilet floor with hot steaming water gushing onto her. she hugs herself tight, yet feeling no sense of warmth or love.
she feels terribly dead and lonely.
its like having 7 days of hangover. no man can ever understand what a girl is facing during her periods unless he has been one before.
so dont try to bullshit to your girlfriends if you say you understand perfectly well what she's going through. you'll get more spit and spat. just get her a big box of chocolates, a small card saying you love her, and carefully get out of her way. her PMS period will go away, thats for certain. just be patient. it's worth everything.
come away with me..
11:05 PM
i just broke free from hell. im jobless but im relieved.
the boss is not God. she didnt create the sun, the moon and the lovely shining stars. she can try to break me down but my faith is stronger. and she owes me two months of CPF and my pay. she is not God.
people, do try to stay optimistic with me.
its time to start anew.
on the other hand, i want to keep a butterfly. the butterflies at the zoo's Fragile Forest were wonderfully tame and enchanting.

i will definitely miss my colleague, shaista and the kids. she almost cried when she saw my little goodbye note for her. the kids didnt know im leaving though. i kissed, hugged, played and talked to them like normal on my last day. its painful to think about it as they're really attached to me. will upload the pics of me n shaista when im better. have a good day,all.
come away with me..
12:46 PM
ants on the apple.
my weekend was burnt with the parents-teacher conference. so i had to OT on a sunday. i daresay it went well for my first. there were very fussy and rude parents. and very expressive kiasu ones that made us almost wanting to bang our heads on the walls. we got those at the very end of both days so it wasnt so bad. hmmm. yeah. it wasnt that bad. phew. there were some whom actually say their thanks to us after noticing their child's progress at home. so the nice ones made up the not-so nice ones. haha.
got me thinking, what do i want my kid to know at the age of 4? 90% of the parents want their children to know how to read a book by themself. and to count till 100. hmm. is that too much or is it okay to expect so? at my age of 4, i remember swinging high up in the playground. making friends with everybody living in my block. playing with cupcakes dolls. looking at an ABC chart, a Parts of a Body chart and a 123 chart pinned up by my father. it wasnt a pressurizing stage at all. in fact, i loved being 4. i wonder if the kids are really enjoying themselves. i'll ask them that when school reopens. seems like they have too many enrichment programmes other than daily school. at the age of 4. scary.
the adorable wan had a ska performance at Celebrations on sunday. anyone who went there and took photos, do msg me. i want his cap photos la :)
picture from last week's End of Term party. +click on pic for better viewing+

come away with me..
9:13 PM
not now.
decided to get on the computer for a while to upload today's pictures albeit the fatigue, oh lalalaaa boleh pengsan you. the kids had outdoor activities today. big riot. big fun. big tired. heh. still need to mark papers after this. lalalalaaa.
enjoy the pics, as always. do click on them for better viewing. i'll bloghop to all of your sites very soon :)

come away with me..
8:03 PM