anybody wants a full package of cough + flu + sore throat, send right at your doorstep, please call me at 91x9xxx9, thank you :) i will be MORE than happy to pass it to you for FREE. heh. but make sure to prepare some $$ for the doctor aight.
my voice is a total goner. i sound like ive swallowed a toad. and im so frigging tired that all i want to do this CNY holiday is SLEEP. coughing takes a lot of energy. been sleeping early ever since i started work. heh. i need to catch up with all my friends. i miss them a lot. a 2days 1 night R&R sounds good. hmm. at least today was better than last saturday. the kids cried for the first hour, sobered and warmed up a bit the next hour then at the last 1/2 hour, their batteries got fully charged and they were screaming and running in glee to the music. phew. so the parents went home satisfied too.
i need to know that barney intro song. "barney is a dinosaur ......." then what ah? anybody knows, please comment, thanks a million! apparently 90% of them loves barney. bleah. haha.
Happy CNY and happy holidays!
(p.s: i love you, you love me, we are happy family.. with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you *muaks* wont you say you love me too.. )
come away with me..
9:36 PM
Lights and sounds.
hello, world. i think i will not update this blog regularly anymore.
alhamdullilah,im currently working full-time as a english teacher in potong pasir from monday till saturday. so you can imagine the time i have to get out from my house. because of that plus the travelling distance and the very challenging workload, i go home dead and straight to the comfort of my bed. haha. to those who are already in the workforce, yesh, do welcome munirah to the delights and wonders of the working world :)
im gonna appreciate my sundays a lot. so do forgive me if i dont reply your msgs or calls immediately, im not allowed to use my hp during working hours. right about now, my throat feels real sore and vile. the kids are a wonder, both in a good and bad way. saturdays gonna suck real bad cuz saturdays are really super young infants day along with watchful,full-of-expectation parents. it was my first time handling such a young age group, so i didnt really know what to do when the kids scream and wail to not let their parents go. they will even beat you when you try to grab them from their mummy. sheesh. sakit pulak tu. bleah. hahaha. and oh god, the pampers. haha. i'll take the smell of a fishy longkang anytime, baby. no stinky pampers for me! weekdays are better and nicer because the age group is around 4-5 years old and they're mostly independent except for random attention-seeking callings for "TEACHER MIRA!!" heh.
albeit all these, i still love my job. it was a dream. and it is still a dream. thank you God.
its definitely better than a 9-5 office job. i wont get too mushy now or i'll cry. haha instead im gonna sing and dance and talk pelat. and oh, ive got to check the lyrics for that opening barney song. yes, sadly, the kids love it. dang. heh. my mother thinks her eldest daughter will never grow up. well, i think so too :)

and oh yesh before i forgot! overdued pictures from sentosa! and
HAPPY 21ST BELATED BIRTHDAY TO DEAREST HANIZA! sorry girl i forgot to wish you on friday, was kept up with my new job! *hugs and kisses* i'll get used to this tiring work routine eventually and will plan an outing with you darling girls soon!
to summarize, i am very contented. i am really happy. i have a secure job. i have so much support from people who have been standing by me all these while. and im bethrothed to someone very special too. i cant ask for more. all i need is an apartment of my own and wedding cards to pass to you all. haha. kidding ;) someone evil's coming over soon, gotta bathe! have a good week ahead, everybody!
come away with me..
10:56 AM
to the moon and back.
okay this i HAVE to blog about. this is very hilarious.
just, just now, i met one of the ex-es back in msn. he was from my secondary school days, you know, those cinta monyet days, very super kentalan nak mampos. we even had an adopted baby okay. Baby Anisah. sheeeesh. he's a chinese btw, but he goes for malay girls. and he can speak malay too. during that time, it was considered hella cool la. geez. so this fella, i have not seen him for, lets see, around 7 years? yeah. and he rarely comes online too. so he told me this that made me laugh non-stop for a good 5 mins.
"Btw kan... The sticker you send me dulu masih ade tau..Sticker Man utd..still in my computer drawer.. sayang sey nak paste it somewhere"i laughed and laughed and laughed. you cant blame me la. it was contradicting because before that, i was telling to my cuzzin izwan guys are not that sentimental compared to girls since they keep upgrading their stuff, upgrade phone la, upgrade guitar la, update this update that and the old ones, they either give away or throw away. so fine, i was proven wrong. hahahahahaahaha. so amusing. any guys out there who still keep their long time ago stuff? do tell. amuse me more. hahaha.
come away with me..
2:43 PM
teacher, teacher.
my friday the 13th was full of fun spontaneity. it lasted till 3am plus.
how about yours?
went down to hougang for an interview. super far. took me 1 and a half hr to reach there. eliz, i had no idea your hometown is so frigging big! haha. i had paranoias of getting lost but i did not, amazingly. *smirks*
anyway, the boss straightaway asked me to relief one of her K1 classes after the interview. without any payla. just to let me see how the curriculum goes. i was dazed and daunted. with no preparation and no teaching training before, one would definitely pee in one's pants. i decided to give it a try though, for the thrill and experience's sake. and the moment the cute little kids open their mouth to greet me, my God, there was this surge of unexplained happiness spinning around in my heart. like, wow. finally. my dream is coming true! hahaha macam real sey. the first thing when the tiny-tots came into the class, they looked at me and i stared curiously at them back. hm. one was crying for dont know what reason. sheesh. after taking attendance and a few other crazy stuff, they warmed up very fast. soon the crying one trailed me wherever i went, the handsome one kept shouting for me and suckin up to me by building my house using megablocks and the rest have their own "i-want-attention-from-YOU" characteristics. but they are all so lovable laaaa. they hugged my legs and flashed me cheeky grins and wow,i think i'm going for this job for sure. the boss asked me to give it a thought since its too far for me but she told me to call her back if i want the job. and i will! =)
and yesh, went out with a 28 year old bachelor for a fun friends' thingy and damn his black car is super nice. he's nice too, some gentleman, even sent me home under my blk. think we gonna be cool friends heh.

and lets see, friday night, ah yesh. was very lovely. dimples was from camp. the night breeze was comfortingly cool. i had a pleasant time. thanks you. 99.95% eh? consider it. i'll always be here. no hopes, no expectations. do have a good time jamming with your new bass guitar =)
sentosa outing tomorrow with the girls! yeay!
come away with me..
9:02 PM
Stars are out tonight
And you're the brightest one shining in my sky
It's like every wish I ever made came true
The day I woke up lying next to you
Will you be my best friend
If I offer you my heart ?
'Cause it's already yours
We could hang out every night
And watch the sun go down
As long as we could watch it rise again
Gave me a valentine
It's these little things that stand the test of time
I've saved the tickets from the shows that we've been to
And a thousand other memories of you Dimples sent me this song. i heart this song big time. so punkrock mushy but still, nice la. i even found the french version of the song. "Seras tu ma meilleure amie, si je t'offre mon coeur?" (will you be my best friend if i offer you my heart?). sweeet. wet, wet day again. going out soon though. kalau pangkat SPI itu apa ah? oh. singapore police inspector. ehh. not bad. hahaha. got car too. whatif he reads this? blee. aiya still cant beat my gorgeous eliz' 26yrs old Caucasian doctor. wooo. okay im talking to myself. i miss so many people. can't wait for the weekends.
"Once I build my rocket to the stars,We'll fly away just you and me.."
love you, sue. hang in there!
come away with me..
11:41 AM

its gonna be a bright, bright, sunshiney day.
ever since my last post, i've been flitting here and there. raffles place,changi airport with dearest sue, some modelling agency(WAHAHA LAME LA DONT ASK!), Esplanade,etc,etc. it seems like when one interview comes in, the rest just come tumbling in, so thank you God. the yesterday's one, i really hope i get it. the people there are really friendly. they jokingly thought Dimples was my husband and even gave me advice that if i were to ever work there with them, he has to understand my schedule since my weekends will be burnt. sheesh. really funny bunch of folks.
anyway, what a wet, wet sunday! i really hope next week's gonna be sunshiney, i wanna go sentosa with my darlings! another thing, i wonder how newly-weds with a brand new HDB apartment can make do with it. its like, the cost of all the main home stuff! refrigerator!sofa!bed!lightings!oven! shit, they cost a bomb. i think ill make do with a 2/3 room flat. then ill decorate to my heart's content. small yet cosy. less space, less stuff to buy. but my God. think of the cash a newly-wed couple has to spend. unless you're effing rich. which in my case, is made possible if i get married to a non-existing persian prince or a pervertic Datuk. which, i dont intend to, thank you.
rain, rain go away,
nini wants to go out and play.
come away with me..
4:11 PM
a walk to remember.
a walk to remember
Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve rocks ah.
here,i've got the ticket to prove that i've walked among the pulchritude of mother nature, admist the "WATCH IT" for crocodiles' signs, ferocious mosquitoes bites, monitor lizards swimming in the mangrove swamps, ghost crabs on trees (yes,trees), flocks of plovers socializing "twee-wee" in their natural habitat, even a wild colourful snake living in the Aerie(a tall hut). bottom line is, i had good fun. i exercised ah. and i only spent A DOLLAR. so go sungei buloh people! you'll be amazed :) next up, probably bukit timah? monkeys! Heh.

busy, happening week! going here and there. what a nice, active start to the new year heh. although im penniless, i'm trying to work my way about it. sighs. it sucks la because you have to curb your spendings to the core. all the same, hope your new year's week doing fine too, people.
right now, i think i would very much like to see the gelek dance from a someone, heh :) and oh, do you know that you should never impress girls with pull-ups after a full meal? *rotfl*
come away with me..
7:58 PM
face it, some men are dumb and practically selfish. they think women can wait for them forever. when they are successful of making the women fall for them, they take off and say,"actually you deserve someone else better", just to make the women feel better.when actually its a pathetic line to cover up the actual line "hey, you know what, there's someone else hotter i would love to fuck than you, im so sick of you. so get lost".
so girls, why not we do the same thing like they're doing? when we succeed in making them fall oh-so hard for us, we leave without any reason. we dont cry buckets for them. we dont wait for a chance that maybe they'll come back to us. arent there more fish to catch out there? wouldnt that be fair? break their egos and hearts and whatever dignity left in them. why love? when love will destroy us in the end. get yourself together, be strong, dont bother keeping up with his shitty treatment towards you, walk off. make that the new year's resolution.
you know you can.
Munirah, its easier said than done. i know, i know. who am i to kid?
another interview this coming tuesday, pray hard for me :)
(p.s: had fun with you babies yesterday! hope to meet up again, crazy beautiful ones! *hugs*)
come away with me..
2:21 PM