my picturesque 2005
got this feeling i wont be able to go online this weekend, so while i'm hogging on it, i might as well post the last post for year 2005.
i did a little project lately so here you go, a collage of my 2005. digged for all the pictures, some are gone, some are hidden, some are still lingering in the many folders of my comp, so i compiled them into one big yummy pizza.
+ please click the picture gently for better viewing +
May the new year brings more HOPE, FAITH, PEACE, HUMANITY and LOVE to us all!
Happy new year, God bless!
come away with me..
2:38 PM
Shake (pitbull).
New layout for the new year.
Wanted to keep it simple to focus more on Morgan Le Fay's(Liv Tyler) faerie emerald and violet eyes, inspired by the novel, "I am Morgan Le Fay" by Nancy Springer,do read it if you're a big fan of Camelot and Avalon and everything magical.
by the way, i've removed the tagboard so do leave your comments below this post :)am not looking for the new year. i suck at year's end.
right now, a hot plate of pizza would be lovely. or famous amos cookies. or baked rice.
or a certain someone trying to dance cowboy-style in the cinema's seat.
come away with me..
4:13 PM
better off dead.
in the end, it all sums up to nothing.
whats the point. the word "hope" dimmers in my dictionary yet again. and again and again and again.
its a bloody cycle, i told ya.
someone picks your battered body up from the street, brings you back to life, gives you a home, makes you believe in love and sunshine. you laugh, you spin around dancing, you fly. then one day, WHAM! the same person you love so dearly,your saviour, snatches EVERYTHING back and throws you back to that blood-splattered street you was dying from.
its time to change my layout, dont you think?
screw gold. sunshine exists in Avalon.i want to go Avalon. let me heal in Woodroot.
or rather, a beach holiday. get me out of singapore. send me to china if you must. anywhere but here.
i beg you, please.
the good men are extinct, dont bother finding seriously. cuz even a good one can turn bad. so you might as well hit off with a bad one and be grateful about it.
happy holidays~
(pictures, i almost forgot!angst,aside!muchos to sue!more coming soon!)

emo-ing in sue's car.

went to JTC. and we got lost in boon lay. sheesh.
come away with me..
2:49 PM
No, don't try to apologize
Don't play the game of persistence
Excused existed before you did
No, dont look at me like before,
Don't talk in plural
Rhetoric is your most lethal weapon
I'm going to ask you to never come back again
I regret that you still can hurt me, here,
And that at your age you already know well
What its like to break someone's heart like this
No, one can't live with so much venom
The hope your love gave me
No one else has given me
I swear .. (Shakira)

thanks sakeena for the pics!in randomi am missing someone so much, it sucks.
i do want to go out with a lot of people, but i'm shamelessly broke and saving money for Narnia and food.
im hungry and i want pizza. any pizza will do.
i still cannot believe zedd bought that Moto Rzr. *pulls sad face*
town is so boring. AND jam-packed.
i looked at mini skirts on sale and i thought of elizabeth. i miss her.
i want to sleep over at a beach with a sky full of stars.
i do not understand how 17 year old desperate boys got hold of my number. its really about time to change my number. sighs.
i looked at girls with bangs and i thought of shakinah depp. i miss her too.
who was that tall guy in brown last night at PS' motorola shop? i still wonder.
i do not know what status mr dimples and i are right now. there are too many complications and i hate it. i want to be officially his, yet single life is nice.
i enjoy going out with sue and i love her. we have so much in common, its scary sometimes. like we were twins in a beforelife or something.
i have reocurring dreams of uncle sha being King. will it come true? how come he lives in woodlands but ive never bumped into him? how come he's single?
will my sister's best friend finally confess to her that he likes her? till when he keeps playing these games and why is his girlfriend so daft?
i want that poofy poochi grey kitten in jurong point's pet shop.
but all in all,right about now, i need to eat.
good afternoon.
come away with me..
1:46 PM
love spits and spats.
what do you see right through me?
what did i say about LOVE?
it froths and satisfies. it CONFUSES us. just when you're about to settle down for good, it PLAYS with your or your significant other's mind and SCREWS things up. i see it as a neverending cycle. hands down to LOVE. whee. what a bad sunday. dont bother, ill be fine =)
----10mins later------
and guess who just rung my doorbell?
Mr Dimples, with a tupperware full of hot chocolate fudge walnut brownies. he baked himself. yesh. my god. see, i told you, its a cycle. and i told you ill be fine. its a good sunday, its a good sunday. i am still in shock. i was at my worst,usual heck-care homeclothes, wearing my nerdy glasses and pulau redang t-shirt,checkered pink skirt! hahaha. thank you, thank you,sweetpea. and how sweet and lovely they melt in my mouth. you win la. so evil and crafty of you to apologise using brownies. it works though, as much as i hate to admit it. LOL.
anyway, to the beach, was spontaneously planned, we went yesterday, the eccentric trio. it somehow or rather helped me not to think about other stuff. we had fun :) so many free shows! sheee.

here we come!

mariah, all grins =)

makan by the rocks.

after most of the crowd is gone. nice weather to not get a tan.

mat emo by the beach,LOL.

the swamp things. *evil laughter* water was great!

then the rain came in. scary.

after the sun sets. and we're still by the beach,dont wanna go home.

back home, after a good cold shower.
come away with me..
4:18 PM
not running away.
the combat medic's.

the above has got to be the most freakiest movie ive ever seen.
forget the eye, the ring, emily rose, exorcist.
this one almost made me scream for real. not to mention the number of jumps i made. a girl beside me, i swear, she was crying. lol. *shivers* my god.
thanks ah you. hahaha. to know the fact that you was petrified too, that made me felt a bit better. just a bit. but anyway, thanks for the show =)
somehow today seems different. i wonder why.
i'm smiling like a goon.
*dreamy sighs*
love kills and cures. love spits and caresses. love breaks and mends.
love is everything, no matter how much you want to deny it.
im hollow yet im full.
what a messed up world we live in :)
come away with me..
9:14 PM
is someone getting the best of you?
yesterday was wacked. fauzie! where the hell was you?! sakeena and i couldnt find the place so yeah. hahahaah. dah semangat, semangat. sheesh. he owes us starbucks big time. all the same, we had fun. she brought yana n i to the "secret place". heee. we even went to the esplanade. for some reason or so, i shall not state here ;) and i heard mr dimples rocked the stage with his band too =) pictures below, courtesy of my sis' cam.

emodize, moi and the lovely sakeena.

the kdj band @ substation.

mr dimples.

the white-white thingy, just a mere coincidence :)
will try get more pictures from sakeena. her camera rocks ah. tak payah flash pun gambar cantik. heheh. its ok girl, i shall try get hold of fauzie for you too! ahahaha. going off for a lil overnight gateaway tomorrow. dont miss me ;)
"Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me."
come away with me..
11:29 AM
You have been the one.
as shamelessly stolen from Shakinah Depp's friendster gallery. hee.
girls will always be girls. i love you, shakinah! thanks to my sis for her camera. it was used well, as you can see from above =Dlater, fauzie laily with Sakee :) so long never see that girl. more,more pictures coming. so please stay.
that new james blunt's song. kinah, you're right. my God. wow. everytime i hear it, my goosebumps just pop. even the non-existent hair on my legs stand up. haha. what a powerful song. sighs. and the new Korn's video is a laugh. especially seeing Xzibit in it. hahaha. oh well, gonna be a good weekend. take care you all.
to you. happy rocking the stage down today. sorry i cant be there(but my sis is,hee.dier pantang nak check out punkrock/emo boys. aper2 laa =p).but i know you'll definitely kick ass. will see you soon. miss you so. come away with me..
12:49 PM
all that glitter, KILL.
my latest kitty fetish *meowss*

who is dzul. who is hazman. who is rozaimie. who is din. missed calls. "friendly,want-to-get-know-you" msgs. who are all these freaks?! do you know them? please tell me if you do(reach me @ all of the them goons have something in common:
they got my number from a particular someone. someone i wish to urgh,cekik2 batang leher dierrrr. ok,berbual melayu sikit. saper ko. aku tahu ko NSboy. nee soon camp la. sembawang camp la.asal ko iya2 nak pass2 my number mcm aku ni satu despo. WHICH I AM NOT. way,way not. wtf? if i want to get to know men, i can find my own. tak payah tolong laaaaa. lagipun, buat aper?? lainlah la kalau ader lubang untuk kerje ke. aiyoooooooo. kalau fauzie laily tak aper jugak sey. LOL. and i dont wish to know any right now.
my life is in a big mess. stop adding fuel to the big fire already. leave me alone. go kacau some other pretty minah or something. i'm not pretty. neither am i nice. nobody loves me. i'm evil and corrupted and everything nasty. hahahaaha :)
or maybe i should just change my number,like one of my gfs did.
lecehlaaa takde masa. haiz.
this month, keep in mind nini, you got to curb your spendings(equals to less going outs). more haizzzz.
(p.s.: i miss you.)
come away with me..
12:49 PM
celebrity skin
hello, world.
good saturday morning.
yes, i am okay, thank you very much :) somehow having being experienced in that shithole before,its not that bad this time. with all your other loved ones around. i was grinning my head off yesterday(someone should know why *winks2*).and today. today's gonna be a great day. (other than the fact that im having stomache.must be the cockles last nite.)
okay. apart from that hot pink motorola rzr, you can also get me
THIS >>>

ya rabbiiii cutenyer tak boleh tahan akuuuuuuuuuu *cubit cubit*
my beloved fluffy poochi poochi,if i ever own you, i promise i will give you the most luxurious & happiest treatment of all your nine cat lives! you'll definitely be my best friend, apart from my annoying but lovable lil sister. we will love you to will never know a sad kitty day, you will enjoy warm snuggly hugs when it rains, we will pamper you like paris hilton pampering her chihuahua(although we wont suffocate you in a gucci bag) and i will kiss you every single day, no matter how naughty you have been :D
have a good weekend you all!
(p.s: Stargazer fad, i owe you teh and kopi big time for all those uplifting mails. thank you very much, my friend.)
come away with me..
11:05 AM
dozens of calls away.
(listen to avril's Nobody's Home while reading this)

i therefore conclude that i'm the world's biggest fool.
how stupid could i be.
to even have a slightest flicker of hope in me.
stupid, stupid munirah.
face it. face the awful truth. swallow it. c'mon. you've been in this shithole before remember? now its just numb. this is what you're gonna get over and over again. so why love? when you know it will bloody hell turn its tables on you. like signing a deal with Lucifer himself. in the end, no matter how much you try and try, it doesnt matter at all. you cant make the person return the amount of love you have for him.then you ask yourself, what did you do to deserve such punishment?
because you care too next time, just dont give a damn. act expensive. act as though you dont need the person. go do many sad and OTT things like fucking some guy you dont know and dont tell the person at all. let the person know through someone else(or better still, from the guy you just fucked). let him be shocked, and let him be angry but thrilled to pine for you more. because itsnt that what makes a man chase after a woman more? then again, why go the extreme and hurt yourself more? you can say this logic is dumb, but i tell you, face it, this is reality.
the more the girl ignores him, the more he'll go after her. and he'll close one eye to the other girls who are so in love with him and would do anything for him. isnt this fact true? look around you. just take a wide look around.
painful huh?
this is just too numbing. so many tensions everywhere,even at home. these wounds..God, they're opening again. i need fresh air. i badly need a hug too.
mother, i miss you. i need you, mother. where are you, mother? there's no one else to hug me, mother.. where are you? when i can feel true love,mother? God, okay dont cry now. SHIT.
be strong, be strong, you woman.
time to put on that mask again.
for isnt life anything but a sham?
good day. time to see my darling yishun girl.
p.s.: to you. im sorry, no matter how much i love you, i just cant give my whole heart to you. its still there attached to him. no matter how he hurts me so. its not fair, i know, but hasnt life been unfair afterall? i hope you'll understand.. its up to you now to stay or leave.. i cant promise you anything but i can promise you something, that i will always be grateful and will always care for you.i miss you so..
p.p.s: the offer to buy me a motorola rzr will be open till the end of this dec. so act now! make me smile. hah.
come away with me..
11:29 AM