undefine you.
seriously this flubug is ANNOYING me.
been a while since i've been out on outings. i really miss my friends. sighs.
so far, i've been out only for hari raya shopping rampage with mother and siblings. she, or the Nubian Queen as Fad puts it, has totally lose it. how can you explain the fourteen kinds of kuih-muih then? and the 24 soda bottles and 48 juice cans?
this is sheer madness.
i am in fact, going crazy myself.
i look at the mountain pile of pink curtains to be ironed and i puke.
random calls and messages cheer me up now and then.
by the way, whats your baju raya colour? (flaming famous question for the muslims teens in s'pore)
mine is purple and white. lets find out whats the famous colour for this year eh?
if you ask me, i am not looking forward to this thursday.
in fact im looking forward to something else. *grins*
Happy Deepavali and Selamat Hari Raya to those celebrating.
and Happy Holidays to those who dont.
okay, blah.
(p.s. sue, really wish i could be there for you now. God help me, i've been down with this sickness for quite a while. urgh. its really sucky when friends ask you out but you just cant go.sighs. we catch up after raya okay girl? *hugs*)
(p.p.s: and to you. you, you, you. i look around me and i thank Him i am still given a chance to feel love, to be loved. i dont think anyone else knows how much i really love you. but i dont care. i have you *smiles*)
come away with me..
7:56 PM
of the sun.
sorry for not been updating. been real sick and stuff. feel much way better this morning. the flu's still there. you cant imagine the tissue papers i contributed to the killing of the ozone layer. okay lets just hope they recycle them? shrugs.
in any case any of you wants the sick package (cough+flu+sorethroat=M.C!), please do contact me before raya next thursday. thank you.
jungle boy coming back today. smile smile sniff sniff.
by the way, to the person whose been passing my number around, just you wait. aint funny getting messages from annonymous people who act as though they know you for ages. aint funny knowing the fact they claim to know you as well. where you live. etc etc. HA HA HA.
unless they're fauzie laili, johnny depp ,the lead singer of The Killers or some hot policeman with a bike, then hey, i dont mind.
okay i was just kidding.
eh you, dont sulk laa.
In This Diary - The Ataris
here in this diary
i write you visions of my summer
it was the best i ever had
there were chorus's and sing alongs
and that is spoken feeling
and knowing that right now is all that matters
all the nights we stayed up talking listening to 80's songs
and quoting lots from all those movies that we love
it still brings a smile to my face
i guess when it comes down to it
being grown up isnt half as fun as growing up
these are the best days of our lives
the only thing that matters is just following your heart
and eventually you'll finally get it right...
come away with me..
12:57 PM
twinkle, twinkle.
early mornings like these make me crave for a lot of nonsensity.
ESPECIALLY if it falls on a sunday.
i should be in bed.
i've been up since 430? wow.
tried uploading some stuff to the QD after subuh. yes! got the ngage super cheap from sameer. i seriously dont deserve it at such a price. shee. thanks you. crossing my fingers hard my father doesnt change his mind and take it instead. okay fine, he paid for it anyway. haha. but i've like, already, ahem, made it mine? LOL. we'll see. most to most, he'll take pity on his flu/cough-infested daughter and give it to me :)
i have my ways, yana always says.
if i have my ways and i get what i always want, i'll be tonnes richer now. with a harem of police boys and a walk-in closet of everything. plus a fat white persian cat with the bluest eyes ever. and a room of boys in punkrock gear singing emoemo songs all day long. for me. hah.
still, im happy with what i have right about now.
okay fine, im lying.
they can never get satisfied with anything,dont they?
october is ending so soon!
(hello, you. having a nice weekend so far? when to merisik ah? hahaha JK.)
come away with me..
7:44 AM
2nd chance
you know what would be real nice now?
a silver plate of Sara Lee's chocolate pound cake and you.
in a field of marigolds and dandelions.
and the sparkling sapphire sky.
get well soon!
p.s: that means me too. that japanese pizza we bought at geylang serai last night is giving my tummy a nasty run now. hahaha.)
come away with me..
1:22 PM
i watch you change
this new layout is not me again.
what is happening? i dont know.
pink has never been my cup of tea. i'll take the black anytime. but yeah. hmmmm.
long time ago, i was a yeh yeh girl.
check it out.

K2's graduation finale. heh. go on, spot me and i'll give you a kiss. LOL.
if you recognise yourself in this picture, PLEASE do tell me. it would be a gleeful delight to reconcile with your K1/K2 friends. especially the girls i shook poms poms with. we were hot, baby!
Saturday's night was spicy and sweet. thank you for the treat. im really glad we're still friends. goes to show, its never too late to mend a broken friendship. we did take it a notch higher and it didnt work out but now, we're back to friends. and thats one of the best birthday presents i could ever wish for.
and to a special dimpled one, that poem melted me. so my night went wrong. but it somehow made us see each other's true selves. and look, we're still standing side by side and planning when to get your baju raya. hahaha. in a way, that whole process is definitely a blessing in disguise right? =)
happy fasting, all.
come away with me..
5:06 PM
somehow i dont know why. but the reason lies there clear.
you so gotta love yourself first before loving someone else. think good, think confident. then insecurity will not claw you. when you're walking alone, you wont feel lonely. you'll feel okay. you can smile. you wont need anyone else because you have yourself. and when everyone else around you leave you and walk away, you still have your goddamn self to love. why must one be so weak? why must one depend so much on another? you have you. your own conscience. your own faith.
how can you come to a point where you know that one person so damn well? does the time spent with that person matters? what if you met someone overnight but you feel like as though you've known that person for a lifetime? like some deja vu feeling. scary.
btw,thanks lizzy for the lovely accessories *girly hug* and uncle sha for your p10 dedication though i didnt hear heh. and thank you, you for taking MC yesterday. and having to see that side of me. now you know. hmm. yeah. i know. but the long john buka moment was sweet. hm.
just thought i needed an ego boost. because i feel so cranky. snappy. PMS. stomach cramps. headache. hungry though im not fasting. night class later. urgh.
so i did this to potray what im exactly feeling.
the blackiest of the blackiest.

no, its not me. some other girl.
okay fine fine. no lies.
this is so not me.
i'll be back.
the end.
come away with me..
2:58 PM
yesterday, i breathed 20 years of air on earth.i still feel like a little princess.
despite the fact that i wont have anymore age starting with the number "1".
i still feel like sitting on a swing singing
"buai laju laju". and going "Wee wee wee" over ice-creams and candies.
hmmmm. then again,i can still do that with a couple of certain mad loved ones of mine.
now, for the thank-yous.Thank you all your darlings who wished me in person,via sms/calls/friendster/emails/tagboard/etc. its one of the days in the year where your everything will be flooded. its madness. thank you yeaaaah. you know who you all are. i never felt so much loved tau. hehehe. was a bit late in receiving the ones via net because ive not been online, and this was one of the pleasant surprises =D
thank you uncle sha! *grins like mad* another one is on my sis' site. no, DONT click her link now. i look lumpy in there hahahaaha. and to my dearest lizzy for the bugis rendezvous last saturday =) finally got my green bag and that brown jacket. yippee yeay yeay. and to mr dimples for the cookies. heh. looking at the cake makes me real hungry now. thanks ar uncle sha. hahaha. cant find my pizza at yesterday's bazaar. hmmmmm. wonder whats for buka later. hmm. will thinking of food batal your puasa? hmmm.
btw,before i go, girls go check out the bazaar's ramly burger boys. some are cute. oops. *points at emodize* my sis made me look! not me, im innocent *grins*
notei love you- im not gonna crack (kurt cobain)
hey you, boy of my summer. glad you're back in the band *hugs*
come away with me..
2:00 PM
simply magnifique.of all the days.
why, today?
sighs.i can beat this. i am strong.
the past wont get to me. no, it wont. the places are nothing. the faces are nothing. those words dont hurt. that smile wont melt anything.
think amazon, munirah. and just breaaaaathe.
my class has been rescheduled to 1830-2130. fantastic. town will never be the same again. when its now associated to class! URGH. as respect to ramadhan, i will not watch any movies in the theatres. will try to. since most of my pay is gone to my HP bill. shee.
happy fasting everyone! be strong, you. hang in there! dont let National Slavery get to you! miss you very much mr Dimples! Happy birthday Ah Pek! 5 ramly burgers on yana soon! buka puasa together soon, kinah & hani! miss you babes lots! sue, you too honey! mr cig, miss your car! lol!
okay im breathless.

mused inverted.
come away with me..
2:43 PM
Black widowmy father out of nowhere threw a pink box of perfume to me. i almost didnt caught it okay.
me: Apa ini? (what is this?)
father: tu untuk birthday kau la. lambat sangat nak datang 9 oct. kasi sekarang sudah. (for your b'day la. 9 oct comes too late. give you now better)
me: HUH? Lancome? miracle? wait a minute... *thinks hard* "my dream perfume? no way!"
father: *nonchalant look* yelah yelah.. abah jugak yang ingat birthday kau before anybody else. (yes yes. im the one who remembers your bday before anybody else)
me: *still not believing whats in my hands*
father: dah jangan cope minyak wangi mak kau lagi.. (dont steal ur mum's perfume anymore)
me: woohooooo *test spray perfume* oklah sebagai thank you, akak akan taruk gambar abah yang hensem kat blog akak okay? (as a thank you, ill put your handsome pic on my blog okay?)
father: yelah yelah. sek kacau orang je ader. *mumbles2*
Love you so,Zulu! =)
So in the morning, coincidencally, i was browsing through the Zulus'
old,old album. lost counted of how many costumes my mother went through on her wedding shoot. Lol. and look what i found!
Cedebah! hahaha. my father ages ago. motor baik. now he's happily settled with a friendly big honda phantom. hahaha. else my mother will come after him with a frying pan.

my uncle in his past rock life. thats him at the extreme right. this is for romeo,see see,tu pakcik aku tau. hahaha. now my uncle's happily settled with two kids, much noiser than his music. hahaha. jkjk.

and this is for mr dimples. remember that zany sembawang park wedding idea when we were still friends-friends? my parents had it first ah. hahaha. hot, yo.more pictures again next time.
till then, have a good week people. and good luck to all the N Levels kids! especially Ah Pek Jual Buku *grinz*
i am in dying need of chocolates.
come away with me..
2:08 PM