i miss my vampire books.
"All day and all night,
my desire for you
Unwinds like a poisonous snake"
- Samar Sen "Love"
thats hot. is that a haiku? hmmm.
im gonna type this one fast before mummy returns home and finds her 19plus daughter is on the computer looking like one sirius black cuz she hasnt bathed! Haaa. kena hang again by her. bleaaah. sometimes i dont understand why mummy and daddy(please keep in mind that i dont call the Zulus by that in real life) still treats me like im 15. they still have to know every single step i take, every single last-minute decision i make and though they dont set any curfew, its damn clear to anyone whose out with me that i have to be back before even the cat gets to mate with his first nocturnal rendezvous kitty love.
its frustrating.
but then again, i think about it and heck, i dont think i should have the right to complain. i still live under their caring wings. im still using their money! im still using the water and electricity they're working their brains off to pay for! i still go to them when i run out of blingbling! i still call my mummy when i feel like im dying! after thinking all that, i felt so very ashamed and decided i should stay silent and be a good daughter. until the next time.... *grinz*
and noooooooooooo i dont have dengue fever!!! just a troublesome headache and a normal fever and sore throat. dah itu aje, i swear. LOL. okay was K.O. for two simultaneous days but im okay now! after some really nice fresh spontaneous air yesterday with mr dimples =) wasnt expecting that seriously. like, woaah? the next time you know, we'll land in pulau ubin or something. hahaha. it was pleasant and magical. so next time, dress universally! we might end up in that underwater restaurant at.. some country i forgot what sheesh. and yes, remind me, no bloody heels. okay? okay set.
drink more water you all. dont get sick! or else you cant go to work.
no work=less pay=less chances of going outDAMN.
come away with me..
11:46 AM
of sweetness
i know i am soooo gonna be late for my daft class.
how can someone be so cotton candy ice kachang sweet?
im at loss for words.
you blew me away yesterday, you really did.
no one has ever pulled that surprise stunt on me before.
i wish i could hug you to death.
i've been grinning like some retard.
why didnt time stop there? ARGH.
Jimmy Eat World's Sweetness, go download, you =D
Stumble till you crawl....
Sinking into sweet uncertainty... come away with me..
11:36 AM
Are diamonds forever? i have a lot of things to say.
but i just cant seem to type them down here.
lately, i feel like im dancing on fire.
carelessly. ignorantly. without a care for the world.
im threading too much on too many people i care a lot.
i imagine a world without these people.
a dark void of emptiness. without warmth. without love.
sometimes i think theres nothing wrong with the world, you know.
its just you. how you want it to be. you mould it, you create it, you are the cause of it.
imagine a world without humans. no communication. no touch. no one to bake subway cookies for you. no one to play you nice nice songs. no wars. no famine. no sorrow. no child crying for a grain of rice.
then again, maybe i think too much.
when you're facing a strong emotion called
love, you tend to think a lot.
of this and that.
but isnt it called
or maybe i just have to accept it. without any fear. without any thoughts of another downturn in life.
i think i've really changed.
maybe i should save this entry for my 20th year of life.
would love really make you beautiful?
hmmmm.... i really have to love myself more then.
God, i loathe pmsy days.
have a good week ahead, you all.
come away with me..
1:40 PM
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Selamat tinggal sayang,
Bila umurku panjang, kelak ku kan datang
'tuk buktikan, satu balas 'kan kau jelang
Jangan menangis sayang...
Kuingin kau rasakan, pahitnya terbuang
Sia-sia, memang kau pantas dapatkan..
if you had prayed for me to move on, then be happy because i am.
very smoothly, very nicely. like you said, that was just another phase of life.
and im quite surprised at myself for being able to do this.
cuz its not easy, you know. took a whole lot of inner strength. nearly drained my emotional state, nearly felt like dying.
but thanks to you, im a whole lot stronger.
i could walk alone in town feeling hella damn good.
head up, shoulders straight, and a smile now and then.
you should be proud of me. and that thought itself makes me feel like that whole rough patch of hell was worth it.
btw, have you seen the process of a thunderstorm?
i was stuck with Mr Dimples at Sembawang Park and we witnessed everything.
first, the dark clouds piling in. then came the wind. the birds flying away. the dark sky. and whooosh, came the droplets. heavier and heavier. changing of wind's direction. you cant see the sea anymore. the lands faraway disappeared. the big ships were gone out of sight. its beautiful. and scary at the same time. hmmmm.. and we had to share that experience with 4 other ah-peks who sought for shelter at OUR hut. sheeesh. and we got all wet too.
ladies night out again =)

i know i know, this is sooo secondary school but haiya! you should know by now my obsession with this kawaii thing =) ehehehe and its with my two of my favourite ladies in the world so *hugshugs*
i therefore conclude my life's doing good at the moment. people kept asking me "how are you?" its nice. and irritating at the same time. LOL. and random people keep asking me out, which is good too. old friends, new friends. heh. so yeah. maybe because its been a good day. if it had been worse, i wouldnt blog all these i guess. hahaha. i would be cursing and bitching. heh.
so do come again on a good day, you. and avoid my horrible pmsy days.
thank you.
come away with me..
2:12 PM
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
No, i did not even see the national day parade on tv.
and so much so for semangat2 nak turun padang la itulah inilah. haaaa. at last, i guess the whole thing became too overhyped? and i was too exhausted to even bother. i spent it at sheong siong with someone. LOL. banyak barang beli, cik abang? haaa.
the day before was fun. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory rocks. deliciously funny. and the director stayed true blue to the lovely novel by Roald Dahl. so yeap. go watch it you! :)
my girls were super uber lovely. maria,eliz and goki, you have to join us next time okays? i miss you women la. you miss out on checking out the guys too. heh. i know, i bet kinah's feroz would wish to strangle me for that. hahahahahahahahaha.
okay *shuts up* pictures =)

Over the sea and far away
She's waiting like an Iceberg
Waiting to change,
But she's cold inside
She wants to be like
the water,
All the muscles tighten in her face
Buries her soul in one embrace
They're one and the same
Just like water....
They say to get over someone you love, you need to find someone else to love. but i do not want to fall again because it would mean that someone new would be a rebound. or would it not? this, i do know. i want to find answers. i wish and i yearn and i crave. i do miss the affections. the little lovely gestures. to be called someone's.
but at the same time another heartbreak would be a catastrophe. so i guess i would rather stay single for the moment. hug my mother more. pinch my sister's cheeks more. laugh at my brother's heavy metal songs. and tease my father for his ahem,near-baldness state.
its good to know that when you're alone, there's always FAMILY. *smiles*
come away with me..
11:45 AM
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Anymore sweeter and i think im going to fall damn hard so please stop,
you sweet specimen of everything. sighs.
Far away, I feel your beating heart
All alone, beneathe the crystal stars
Staring into space, what a lonely face
I'll try to find my place with you
What a Beautiful smile
Can I stay for a while
On this beautiful night,
We'll make everything right...
To Mr W and his cute bro, Ash, from me and my sis Emodize, "So sorry we couldnt come to your gig!!" *sad puppy looks*
on the other hand, back to the Kiddies Era, me and maria went =) chocolate ice-creams and neo-prints.

her ice-cream.

happynye dier ;)

wtf i look so tembam here. damn.

i love the weekends. spontaneous ones. hopefully my sunday gonna be as sweet and spontaneous as last week's. i cant wait for Willy Wonka Day on monday too. stay healthy, all of you.
come away with me..
8:54 PM
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Under the weight of your wings
Should ever we meet on your side of your stereo
I will pretend I know not of your thoughts
And even the way that they mirror my own
I'll take you away in the way that you take me and go where I go
In my head
Your voice
You've got all that I need
And this make believe will get me through
Another lonely night...
Hmm.. what a storm brewing outside at woodlands now.
i have my sister's pink comforter wrapped snugly around me.
what a nice day to sleep like an oinkoink eh? a bit lazy to go out today. though its my day off. yesterday's events still wore me out a little. but then again, if you mention "SHOPPING", my eyes will go saucer wide like spongebob's. so should i?
temptation tempation.
ive already sms-ed mr AZ. drag him in his green uniform HAHAHA.
and what's up with "Ehh,abang dier tu dier tu keluar ngan kakak kau eh?"
no, seriously. i dont know whats the big hoo-ha about LOL. we're not even schooling in your school, dek. whatsup wif your friends buzzing2 about this news. just because im your big sister and he has a cute brother your age and you two sachoks are in the same school. hahaha. to quote mr W "Damn. Like victoria and beckham" sheesh.
then again if i am posh, i would gladly slap myself for acting so hoity-toity when i have a fuckadelic husband by my side. bleah. and Ab, if you ever read this, thanks ar for shouting "OI" last night at the bus-stop. for one nano-second there, i thought it was my father. i would gladly love to upah yana to hit your head okay. LOL.
its mr W's 23rd birthday tomorrow anyway. thus, i think i really really need to go shopping. i hate to shop for men's gifts. like, what the heck do they need other than a bass guitar or a laptop? if im a hilton sister, i would get you those though -_-
and why do i have this HUGE feeling ill end up buying stuff for myself?
like that sapphire blue skirt?
or that that-- URGH.
izwan, biler mase ko jadi girl nie ah? dalam era maner, aku nak tahu. cant imagine u in a skirt. WAHAHAHA.
Ladies, monday is ON!we have to buy chocolates while watching too =)
to the gorgeous Bubu, ive downloaded "Darkness" from your multiply, yeay. finally get to listen to it again, my favourite out of all your songs. you should have joined Anugerah!!!!
come away with me..
11:22 AM
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
been extremely busy.
have not touch this computer since my last post.
the weekends was awesome.
will update this site soon.
will visit your sites soon too!
thanks for dropping by, you.
dont worry! im very much alive =)
*scoots off*
come away with me..
11:05 AM