Friday, July 29, 2005
its a lovely Friday morning.
Mr A has been giving me very early morning calls the whole of this week. and i didnt even asked him to heh. have you heard my just-wake-up voice? its terrible. it sounds like as if some dirty yellow Papa Toad is sitting right in my throat. Mr A doesnt think so though. Mr A is really weird. he wakes up super early everyday. to solat subuh,then get the papers,and his breakfast at the kedai kopi,or he'll fry his own rice,then a morning walk. he sounds like the perfect husband every girl dreams of. shee. any of you ladies interested? :)
anyway,i think i might have walked 10km yesterday night. thanks to Mr W. lol. bear with the initials okay people. hmmmm yeah. that was the first time someone WALKED me home all the way from causeway point. of all the living years ive lived in this blk 31, i have never, ever, walked home from CWP. there are so many buses to choose from,and i got spoilt. heh. so yeap. and wow, didnt know the jetty was a make-out point for couples sey.i have never even been there at night! oops. i think we spoilt a lot of the couples' rendezvous there by our loud voices and laughters. ahahahahaha. and there was a big family bringing lanterns behind us, so... more spoiler for them! hahaha. i know, we're evil. but it was very nice. just talking and walking. he's very sweet. thanks yeah. hmmmmmm.
ive just signed an unlimited access contract with him. to be his movie partner. heh. i cant imagine, watching a movie with him when he's married with kids. mampos his wife will come after me with a rolling pin. hahahaha.
on the other hand,AH-PEK a.k.a. Izwan ar, i didnt go sentosa ler last week =p it was raining heh. happy tak ko? so Mr AZ and i went queensway and omg, that fella can really shop sey. ahahahaha. first time i see a guy shop dengan penuh semangat =) wait till i get my pay, then itll be my turn to drag him to all the shops in town. heh.
today, off to nyp to claim our money!! so Ms Pat arr, better give us the money!
im hella broke!!!! if someone wants to rob my bank, i think he'll laugh his arse off looking at the very little money in there. arrghh. the horror, man.
*very important footnotes*
BABES!!!! Charlie and the Chocolate Factory opening next week! Kinah!Hani!Lizzy!Maria!and probably my sis too! set the time and date k! *jumps up and down excitedly*
Sue,i miss you very much! sorry ive been busy =( we will catch up soon!
come away with me..
9:33 AM
Friday, July 22, 2005
okay, this is what i've been fearing most.
when you're single and going out with that guy this guy and flirting with this guy that guy and talking long hours on the phone with that guy this guy,the last thing you want is one of the 'this guy that guy' confessing to you he likes you more than a friend.
do you believe in love at first sight?
i dont. i cant just look at a guy for the 1st time and go, woooo he's the one i want to spend my white-haired years with! unless you want to count dreamboats like that queen of the damned vampire Lestat and johnny depp. but itu hanya khayalan. how about reality? how does it works? macam romeo and juliet? hm. thats more of lust, isnt it?
for me, my head is quite thick so it will take sometime for me to realize that HEYYY, I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS FELLA LA,WHY DIDNT I REALIZE EARLIER! heh. slow. LOL. but i think love takes time and it comes naturally. i was a bit slow realizing i was in love with sameer that time. i think he gave me lots of hints. LOL. but as usual, my head is always up there in the clouds until someone snaps me back to reality.thank heavens to bubu and kinah who helped the process faster. ahahaha. still remember that night. kecoh. semua pasal IRC la =p
but what about now?
frankly, i am not looking for a relationship.yet. it has been a month. it has been a wild rollercoaster ride. but im still here, typing this and smiling like a loon to myself. my family and friends deserve big credit for that.
you are such a nice guy, mr A. you are way too nice. just like my other guyfriends. i appreciate that you understand i need time to heal. it wont be fair if i make you as a rebound cuz you are just way too sweet. but i wont deny the fact that im still very much in love with him. and no, i dont want you waiting on me cuz you deserve so much better. not me. definitely not me. but thank you for being very frank. we'll be good friends,i know that. and who knows along the way? neh. not for a couple of months or maybe years?i dont know. fate works in strange ways.
im going sentosa tomorrow weeeeeeeee!
come away with me..
10:27 AM
Sunday, July 17, 2005
yesterday's baybeats was very amusing.
like i expected, so many M&Ms congested the place. plus all kinds of concept people. mods la punk la emo la skinheads la. macam2 laa. some even sang to me the stupid waheeda song when i walked past. morons. LOL. eh, even china tourists were watching the moshing2 place. fascinating how so many different genre of people can come together for music :)
as for me,lizzy and maria, we watched and stationed near the bapak policemen tukang jaga gate. lol. just in case. my sis went off with izwan, whom i trust good responsiblity to(*winks*), and his very tall geng and her not-minah-but-step-minah fren(pui).
and the fireworks yesterday was hot stuff. it felt like the real deal you know? so many "ooohhh"s and "aaahhh"s and flashes of cameras went off. it was wonderful.
i felt.. loved again??knowing he's somewhere in that Padang, watching that magical spectacle too. sheesh. like how can i not think about him? when i bumped into his sisters(u look gorgeous,gerls!) and his old nyp gang(yeah thanks taufiq and go pujuk ur gf la =p *waves hi to the rest,especially deana*),plus the policemen all over. all these people connected to him, sheesh. but im okay. im cool. my gurlfrens were there. and my sister. so, lalaalalalaaaaa. bottomline is,i had an amusing day. yeah.
okay, pictures! taken by my sis and her silversnap camera.

heh. not many cuz the camera was with her the whole time,SO, mostly of her frens laa.LOL.
i need to get my own camera sey.
*smiles at you reading this*
come away with me..
3:51 PM
Friday, July 15, 2005
my dearest mother celebrated her belated big "4" yesterday.
it was very comical. the rest of the family waited impatiently with growling tummies for her return from work at 8pm. and my father suggested Eh! why not we close all the lights and hide behind the shoe shelf then we can surprise her? so we did. and that was around 7:40-7:59pm with a lot of false alarms from him. at last we just lepak and walk around,sms2 and watched tv cuz we couldnt tahan the growing hunger with all that delicious aroma from the table. so when the real thing finally came, we panicked. my father even forgot the tv was supposed to be off. so my sis did and the first thing my mother saw was the house blackout and the tv screen going Kapoot with a flash.
kecoh sey. but she was beaming like a full moon the whole evening so yeah heh.

weird thing is, she doesnt look anything like 40. neither does my father.
wow,i hope im like them when im 40.
hmmmm baybeats? to go or not to go? (eh izwan kalau ko gi, mesti difference in our height boleh menyusukkan jiwa seseorang! sheeesh.)
going to eat lunch at SBM canteen today with the girls. wonder how the place has a way, i do miss school. for its food.and all the other beautiful memories i had there. especially with him. sighs. oh well *takes a deep breath*
good morning all, TGIF!
come away with me..
7:49 AM
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
rise and shine, babies!
yesterday Kumon was HAVOC. of all the horror of the horrors. of all the days. johnathon had to shit in his pants with me as his teacher. yes, i repeat, shit in his pants. okay so he's 5 years old and blablablablablablabla but why in the whole wide universe must you come to kumon and decided to let go of stinky gooey stuff? ARGH.
betul2 test my patience to the core. normally, he's frigging naughty despite the fact that he's damn intelligent la. but yesterday! should have seen my face. i think everybody saw it. pure aghast! thank god the Kumon maid was there! terima kasih ya bu for having to do the dirty work in the loo. OR ELSE. i think i would be the one wiping those faeces away. and one colleague of mine, ody, had to cheek to ask me "Eh abeh camner sey, semua terbelurai?? abeh ko cebukkan aper?"
not in the name of my chinny chin chin la. LOL. me?!now im like thinking, how the heck if i have a kid(IF i ever get married) and i have to do all those dirty work? thats why i kept saying, kinah, you get married first, then you go experience all those stuff first. afterthat, you tell us bearable or not. okay? =p
for those wondering how my workplace looks like.

how kumon is like when its empty. bliss.

my table. heh.
sorry must have blur effect sikit cuz i dont want to get sue for copyrighting the place or anything. took these during 2hrs lunch break.that was before shitboy ruined my day. LOL. was bored. luckily got company to sms2 with. although he was extremely busy with his paperwork and his army windows 95 computer kept crashing down on him. lol. yes the army is still using windows 95,people. oops. did i just offended the military government. rolls eyes.
and i've finally seen isha one of my bloggerians, in skin, at far east while with my babes. she looks way way sweet =) and while the babes( witch and hani) bought their cool executive clothes for graduation, i bought the turqoise sash ive been eyeing. yeay. no wonder i can wake up early today sey. sheeesh.
hani, abt the ORD police guy with the car, LOL,when when?
witch, rabak kena gi keje orang pagi2 buta. takpe, i had fun, thank you ladies!
lizzy, i miss you laaaaaaaa.
I heard you're doing okay, but I want you to know
I'm a dick, I'm addicted to you
I can't pretend I don't care
When you don't think about me..Do you think I deserve this?
I tried to make you happy but you left anyway
I'm trying to forget that,I'm addicted to you
But I want it and I need it
I'm addicted to you
Now it's over, can't forget what you said
And I never wanna do this again
Heartbreaker.. come away with me..
7:06 AM
Saturday, July 9, 2005
Who am i to fool myself?
making myself sound so sunshiney on the phone with you when inside, im faltering and breaking like some cracked mad cow? so fucking fake, munirah. urgh.
but im trying. i can control this. im okay so far, am i not.
and another thing, i should STOP playing around. its fun testing here and there.but not fun anymore when im dealing with someone else's feelings.
just because i miss the affections i used to get pamper with, that i cant get what i want, that to me, lust is the answer now to broken love, the last thing i should do now is to jeopardize friendships. not everyone thinks like i do and i should get that fact right into my thick emo head.
doesnt mean a man breaks you damn hard, you have to break every single nice man out there for revenge. that only happens in hindustani movies. this is reality.
on the other hand, Fantastic Four was okay-okay je. jess alba was HOT. but i still prefer Batman Begins. more... realistic? you people should go Shaw, empty gile nye. the loo's damn sparkling clean too. even stayed there DURING the movie and i could still hear whats happening clearly. heh. lucky my nice company didnt went to find me cuz i took quite long in there. heh. men will never understand the chemistry between a woman and the lavatory =)
2 am and I'm still awake, writing a song
If I get it all down on paper, it's no longer inside of me,
Threatening the life it belongs to
And I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary, screaming out loud
And I know that you'll use them, however you want to..
Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable,
And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table.
No one can find the rewind button, boys,
So cradle your head in your hands,
And breathe... just breathe...

< yours truly.
come away with me..
3:35 PM
Wednesday, July 6, 2005
cable finally. thank you to the beloved Zulus.
thank you thank you thank you. though my father the "WISE" one decided to "wisely" pull out the adapter and "wisely" connect it into the wrong port. sheeeeesh.
my father has surprised the family by subscribing all these cuz he reckons they will chain his daughters more at home. especially during weekends. hmmm. we'll see we'll see. but good tactic, father. heh
last saturday, got a lil taste of NDP. cool planes and a big jet carrying the singapore's flag just right above our heads. and the noisy tanks and camouflaged men. plus the fireworks, pathetic but thrilling all the same =) i was looking out for him, i wont deny that, being the loser anthem i am. *shrugs* but my company that time was really nice so it was okay. i didnt have to think so much about the past, just relish the present, the cool sea breeze and the music. and thank you for the "A Lot Like Love" treat two days ago yeap. i was broke *embarassed* next time my turn okay? =p
btw i think i'll stop mention names other than my gfs and family here. cuz apparently there are suspicious people who dont know me WELL enough, who keep a kepo eye on me when im outside. dont think i dont know. and then spreading hot gossips about this and that. i think ill better make this clear now. i go out with whoever i want to. if you see me with a guy you dont even know, well, say hi to my guyfriends. they are extremely sweet and fun people. and they're hot bachelors so if you saw one you kinda like, tell me and ill be more than happy to introduce you to them properly =) instead of, you know, glancing darkly at us and whispering malicious nothings to yourself and your comrades about how nini is such a bitch and yadayada. sheesh, get a life yeah.
*random footnotes*
*throws my sunglasses into the bag and hollers "LIZZY WHEN ARE WE HITTING THE BEACH, BABE!"*
and to my beloved sue, hang in there love, we will meet soon =)
and to izwan, alamak takper ar kalau itu contest bengang sangat tak ambik you guys in, cuz you guys still rock aper! kan kan? *hugz*
come away with me..
2:45 PM